Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Text File
153 lines
// Program Name: MENUDEMO.PRG Copyright: Global Technologies Corporation
// Date Created: 01/17/91 Language: Clipper 5.0
// Time Created: 23:55:15 Author: Bill French
// /brief/library.src
#include "gllibr.ch" // include the gl language definitions
#define MaxPrompts 10
function Main()
local choice_
clear screen // clear the text screen
set graphics on // graphics mode
set mouse on // turn on the mouse
set palette background to white // change the background color
set event shadow to "n+/b" // clear button gets set shadow color
clear graphics screen // clear the graphics screen
set character set to system medium
do while .t.
clear graphics screen
setcolor("w+/b+") // set the menu color (std Clipper 5.0 function)
set character set to system large // change the character set back to system small
draw "GL Experimental Menu" at 02,40 center
choice_ = popupmenu(05,10,3)
do case // evaluate the mouse click
case choice_ == "one" // if region 1 was clicked
clear graphics screen // clear the graphics screen
set character set to system small // change the character set back to system small
setcolor("w+/b") // set the menu color (std Clipper 5.0 function)
draw bar chart at 18,14 using demo.dbf ; // display a bar chart
plot div_income ; // select the field to plot
label div_code ; // specify the label
filter recno()<=16 ; // set the filter
3d ; // display in 3d mode
height 12 ;
width 60 ;
division 5000 ;
dotted ;
setcolor("w+/b") // set the menu color (std Clipper 5.0 function)
draw "Sales" at 06,02 using system large vertical
draw "Division Sales" at 23,17 using roman 3828
set character set to system large
setcolor("w+/b+") // set the menu color (std Clipper 5.0 function)
draw "Isolate On Division" at 01.8,40.5
draw box from 02,40 to 04,44 pattern 2 bevel
@ 03.6,40.90 draw "SW" using system large
draw box from 02,46 to 04,50 pattern 2 bevel
@ 03.6,46.90 draw "NW" using system large
draw box from 02,52 to 04,56 pattern 2 bevel
@ 03.6,52.90 draw "SE" using system large
draw box from 02,58 to 04,62 pattern 2 bevel
@ 03.6,58.90 draw "NE" using system large
case choice_ == "two" // if region 2 was clicked
clear graphics screen // clear the graphics screen
set character set to system small // change the character set back to system small
set color to "b/w"
draw pie chart at 09,40 using demo.dbf ; // draw a pie chart
plot div_income ; // select the field to plot
label division ; // select the lable
radius 12 ;
pattern ; // select alternating patterns
explode 3 ; // select the first slice to explode
filter year = "1990" ; // only plot 1990 data
setcolor("w+/b") // set the menu color (std Clipper 5.0 function)
draw "Divisional Sales" at 19,14 using roman 3828
do pause // prompt for a mouse click
case choice_ == "quit" // if region 3 was clicked
endcase // do case // evaluate the mouse click
enddo && do while .t.
set mouse off
set graphics off
clear screen
function popupmenu(x,y,items)
local temp, prompt, n, _width, _prompts_[items][2] // declare the menu array
for prompt := 1 to items
_prompts_[prompt,1] := NullString // GL memvar
_prompts_[prompt,2] := NullString // GL memvar
next // for prompt := 1 to maxprompt
_prompts_[1,1] := "Three Dimensional Bar Graph "
_prompts_[2,1] := "Pie Chart "
_prompts_[3,1] := "Quit "
_prompts_[1,2] := "one"
_prompts_[2,2] := "two"
_prompts_[3,2] := "quit"
_width := len(_prompts_[1,1]) + 5
set color to "w+/"
for n := 1 to items
draw _prompts_[n,1] at x+n+.4,y+1.4
define event _prompts_[n,2] from x+n-.5,y+1.4 to x+n+.5,y+_width activate
next // for n := 1 to items
wait event to temp
function popmenu1(x,y,items)
local _width, j, temp, prompt, _prompts_[items][2] // declare the menu array
for prompt := 1 to items
_prompts_[prompt,1] := NullString // GL memvar
_prompts_[prompt,2] := NullString // GL memvar
next // for prompt := 1 to maxprompt
_prompts_[1,1] := "Update Database "
_prompts_[2,1] := "What If... "
_prompts_[3,1] := "Show Database Detail "
_prompts_[4,1] := "Show Percentages "
_prompts_[5,1] := "Adjust Graph Scale "
_prompts_[6,1] := "Print To LaserJet III "
_prompts_[7,1] := "Return To Main Menu "
_prompts_[1,2] := "1"
_prompts_[2,2] := "2"
_prompts_[3,2] := "3"
_prompts_[4,2] := "4"
_prompts_[5,2] := "5"
_prompts_[6,2] := "6"
_prompts_[7,2] := "7"
_width := len(_prompts_[1,1]) + 5
clear graphics window from x-.15,y-.325 to x+items+1.15,y+_width+.325
set color to "w+/"
for j := 1 to items
draw _prompts_[j,1] at x+j+.4,y+1.4
define event _prompts_[j,2] from x+j-.5,y+1.4 to x+j+.5,y+_width activate
next // for n := 1 to items
wait event to temp
proc pause
setcolor("w+/b+") // set the menu color (std Clipper 5.0 function)
draw box from 21,26 to 23,56 pattern 3 bevel
@ 22.7,27.5 draw "Click here to continue..." using system large
define event "pause" from 21,26 to 23,56 activate
wait event "pause" release
clear graphics window from 21,26 to 23,56 bevel